Journal of Japanese Association of Veterinary Nephrology and Urology Vol.1 No.1


Fumihito Ohashi 1
Review article 1 Lower urinary tract diseases
◼︎ An omnibus topic surrounding lower urinary tract desease
Akihiro Oishi 8
◼︎ Feline lower urinary tract diseases:
Choosing the best therapies (Lecture report)
Hiroshi Sakane 14
Chronic kidney disease
◼︎ The International Renal Interest Society
Toshifumi Watanabe 22
Review article 2
◼︎ Proteinuria in chronic kidney disease
Yasuhito Kuwahara 27
◼︎ Ultrasonography for diagnosis of chronic kidney disease
Yutaka Sato 33
◼︎ Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor therapy for chronic kidney disease in dogs and cats
Mika Mishina 39
◼︎ Nutritional management of chronic kidney disease in dogs and cats
Naoyuki Takemura 46
Case report
◼︎ Total cystectmy in 8 dogs
Mitsuhiro Irie et al. 56
Journal abstracts
Joji Yamate 62
Yuichi Miyagawa 65
Information from JAVNU
◼︎ Report of the 1st Annual Meeting of JAVNU 70
◼︎ Announcements 72