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Congenital kidney disease in small animal
Fumio Hoshi
6 |
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Evaluation of renal function
Kenji Miyamoto
14 |
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Treatment of feline chronic kidney disease (CKD) with
beraprost sodium (BPS)
Masahiko Takenaka
19 |
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Dialysis therapy in chronic kidney disease in dog and cat
Masami Uechi
26 |
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Renal transplantation
Toshifumi Watanabe
31 |
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Cardio-renal interaction
Shigeki Yamano et al.
38 |
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A case of end-stage renal disease of dog associated with
focal glomerulonephritis
Akira Yabuki et al.
46 |
Yasuhiro Kon
52 |
Yuichi Miyagawa
55 |
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Report of the 2nd Annual Meeting of JAVNU
58 |
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Announcements |
60 |