Journal of Japanese Association of Veterinary Nephrology and Urology Vol.6 No.1


Review article
◼︎ Pathological diagnosis of canine lower urinary tract neoplasms
Ikki Mitsui 5
◼︎ Diagnosis and medical therapy for canine urinary bladder tumor
Hideo Akiyoshi 12
◼︎ Surgical treatment of the lower urinary tract tumor in dogs and cats
Kohei Saeki et al. 18
◼︎ Cystatin C as the marker of renal function in dogs
Yuichi Miyagawa 28
Case reports
◼︎ Long-term survival of cat with transitional cell carcinoma
Hiroshi Aoki et al. 33
ACVIM Consensus Statement (J Vet Intern Med)
◼︎ Assessment and management of proteinuria in dogs and cats: 2004 ACVIM forum consensus statement (Small animal)
George E. Lees et al. 37
◼︎ Guidelines for the identi cation, evaluation, and management of systemic hypertension in dogs and cats
S. Brown et al. trans. Naoyuki Takemura et al. 47
Journal abstracts
Hideo Akiyoshi 66
Yuichi Miyagawa 69
Books introduction
Information from JAVNU
◼︎ Report of the 6th Annual Meeting of JAVNU 73
◼︎ Announcements 76