Journal of Japanese Association of Veterinary Nephrology and Urology Vol.10 No.1


◼︎ Cystoscopic findings of canine bladder masses
Ryota GOMI 4
Review article
◼︎ Resistance to erythropoiesis stimulating agents in cats with anemia of CKD:
A focus on inflammation induced functional iron deficiency
Satomi IWAI 12
◼︎ Renal anemia in cat with chronic kidney disease
Yuichi MIYAGAWA 23
◼︎ Therapy with erythropoiesis stimulating agents (ESA) for renal anemia in cats
Shigeki YAMANO 30
◼︎ A Consideration on Complications and Adaptation due to Ureteral Urine Flow in
Subcutaneous Ureteral Bypass System.
◼︎ Study of anti-proteinuria effect of telmisartan in dogs with protein-losing nephropathy
Yusuke SAKAI 44
◼︎ Examination of the MALDI BioTyper system with MALDI-TOF MS for rapid
identification of microorganisms causing bacterial urinary tract infection from cat
urine samples
Hiroto MAEDA 50
Information from JAVNU
◼︎ Report of the 9th AnnualReport of the 9th Annual Meeting of JAVNU 56
◼︎ Announcement 59